26 Jan 2018

Amazona on Syntronik: "Fully successful and it really works"

"Most rigorously sourced and extremely high quality sound material"

"With the Syntronik library and app, IK Multimedia consequently follows its mission and introduces a library that builds bridges - over iOS to Mac OS and then to Windows."

Amazona.de's expert reviewer, Torsten Bäumer aka TobyFB, has taken IK's legendary synth powerhouse, Syntronik, through its paces and tested it on all three platforms - iOS, Mac OS and Windows. Toby was extremely pleased with all results, so much that he also prepared a whopping 57 audio demos himself. All the demos have been normalized to achieve a level playing field of comparison and you can find them at the bottom of each page of Toby's extensive review.

Here is the final verdict from the review:

"With the Syntronik library and app, IK Multimedia consequently follows its mission and introduces with Syntronik a library that builds bridges - over iOS to MacOS and then to Windows.

As to the content, here we have most rigorously sourced and extremely high quality sound material. Complemented with an extremely powerful filter and FX section.

The playing aids and layers give the finishing touch to Syntronik as far as the decision to enhance and extend the filters of the originals goes.

The combination is a full success and really works. Syntronik is complemented with an extremely clever adaptation of an effect rack in lunchbox format. And with equally meticulous and precise virtual vintage effects."

- Sound
- Sample quality
- Effects bus
- Assigning of MIDI parameters, up to single effect settings
- No noticeable difference of workflow between the 3 platforms

- Nothing

Rating: Very good

Here is the verdict from the original review in German:

"IK Multimedia geht mit der IK Multimedia Syntronik Library und App konsequent den Weg weiter und bringt mit Syntronik eine Library, die Brücken schlägt, hier über iOS, zu MacOS, nach Windows.

Was den Content betrifft, haben wir hier sorgfältigst und hochwertigstes Klangmaterial. Abgerundet mit einer sehr wirkungsvollen Filter- und FX-Version. Die Spielhilfen und Layer geben Syntronik den letzten Schliff,was die Entscheidung betrifft, die Filter die Filter der Originale zu ergänzen und zu erweitern.

Diese Fusion ist gelungen und wirkt. Syntronik wird abgerundet mit einer äußert cleveren Adaption einen Effektracks im Lunchbox-Format. Und mit ebenso sorgfältigen und genauen Virtual Vintage Effekten."

- Sound
- Samplequalität
- Effektbus
- Zuweisung von MIDI-Parametern, bis hin zu einzelnen Effekteinstellungen
- keine großen Unterschiede im Workflow zwischen den 3 Plattformen.

- keines


Produktbewertung: Sehr gut

Read the full review and listen to the audio demos (Klangbeispiele) on amazona.de
Learn more about Syntronik




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