21 Dec 2021

UNO Is "Synth of the Year"

Hear Sonic State podcast host Nick Batt explain his pick for 2021

Sonic State's recent podcast gave a big shout-out to UNO Synth Pro. Looking back on 2021, host Nick Batt declared UNO Synth Pro as his pick for "Synth of the Year" 2021.

Listen as Nick describes what he loves most about UNO Synth Pro.

They've got the editor. We can share patches. I just think it's a really nice synthesizer and it suits the kind of places I like to go sonically. So that's my pick for this year.

Nick Batt on UNO Synth Pro

More quotes from Nick

"My pick was IK Multimedia's UNO Synth Pro. I did that because I came back to it the other day and was really loving the way it sounded.

"A friend came over because I had the Polybrute synth here and I said we should try this out again. And it (the UNO Synth Pro) really held its own against that (the Arturia Polybrute).

"It's a great synth by DellA and the team. The desktop version you can pick up for 350 quid. I think for a 3-oscillator analog synth with that level of hoof it does sound very good."

Check out all the features of the award-winning UNO Synth Pro.

And discover the new Editor for UNO Synth Pro Nick mentions to harness the power of your Mac/PC to easily create, save and manage presets.
