9 Feb 2022

UNO Synth Pro on BBC Click

Demonstrating how technology can help people make music

UNO Synth Pro was part of a news segment recently on BBC Click. The theme was how technology is helping people and even those with reduced mobility to dive right in and start making music. Below, some quotes from BBC journalist LJ Rich.

"This is the newly released UNO Synth Pro, which glories in its analog sounds, juicy and rich. It's easy to make something sound good with very little effort."

So, here we go. Nice! And you can change the feel of this sound by using these bits.

LJ Rich on UNO Synth Pro

Part of a bigger story

"The right music makes things better. It can change our mental state, add emotion to movies and commercials and even help us move when it's hard to keep putting one step in front of the other.

"Yet, while so many of us consume music, playing an instrument feels out of reach. But you no longer need 10,00 hours to create something beautiful. You just need a different kind of instrument."

Visit the BBC Click YouTube channel for this and other stories

UNO Synth Pro comes in two form factors to suit your needs. Both share the same powerful synth engine and connectivity and include the UNO Synth Pro Editor for Mac/PC.

product image

UNO Synth Pro


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UNO Synth Pro Desktop

