6 Feb 2024

Classical Pianoverse: Morricone

Ennio Morricone's "Playing Love" performed on the Pianoverse Gran Concerto 278

In this video, pianist Alessandro Di Marco returns to the Pianoverse Gran Concerto 278 to interpret "Playing Love" by Ennio Morricone. Gran Concerto 278 is a robot-assisted deep multi-sampled 9.5' Fazioli F278 concert grand piano manufactured by Fazioli Pianoforti of Sacile, Italy and just one of 8 stunning pianos in Pianoverse.

During construction, the individual character of each F278 is revealed. And when completed, a new model sells today for over $100,000. Many pianists believe that it is worth the price for its distinctive voice. Have a listen.

Our F278 was tuned and prepared by a master technician so you may experience this specific instrument in all its unique glory with the Gran Concerto 278.

Pianoverse offers the widest sonic palette available in a single virtual instrument. You can start with one or more pianos, or go for the All-access subscription option and gain immediate access to all Pianoverse Pianos available now and those coming soon.

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